Global Summit Guest Speaker Guide

Dear Guest Speakers,

We want to thank you for joining the High Noon 24-hour Online Summit and for helping our global community to have an uplifting and connecting experience this coming weekend. It is our hope that through the stories and wisdom you share, our brothers and sisters will find the keys to unlock deeper realms of joy and freedom in their couples, families, and lives. The offering of your time and the sharing of your heart is an invaluable gift for so many.

In this webpage, we want to provide you with clear guidelines and tips to prepare you for the summit and your moment to take the virtual stage!

Check Your Session Start Time – Join 30 minutes early

You can see the full program at the bottom of this page. Please pay close attention to your timezone.

Things You Need to Know

1. This Summit will be live-streamed to Facebook and recorded. Using this platform allows for audience interaction through comments and reactions. However, all you will see are the other panelists and the hosts in the Zoom meeting.

2. On the day of the Summit, we will be re-sending you an email with a link to a Zoom call, which we will treat as a Greenroom. We kindly ask you to join 30 minutes before your session so our team has adequate time to welcome you and brief you. This preparation time is crucial for audio checks as well as camera and lighting adjustments. It also is an important time to connect with other panelists, so please be ready to join 30 minutes prior to your scheduled session. Below is the link for the Greenroom. You may save this for use to access the day of the event.


3. Our staff will be in the Greenroom ready to welcome you and give you access to the main webinar room. When there are 5 minutes until your session, you will be asked to join the main webinar room, which will be our live room. You will be muted and have your video off. The host will wrap up the previous session and welcome you, our next guest. On this cue you will turn your video on, unmute yourself, and begin the session. Please keep your video and mic on during the duration of the session.

How to Prepare

Next, let’s talk about what you can prepare. Please use a laptop or a desktop computer on a stable surface, and refrain from using a phone or tablet. Headphones and microphones will allow the best audio experience. You should also consider where you will be presenting. Is there good lighting? What is the background going to be like? In terms of camera placement, please see the attached Camera Style Guide for guidance.

Regarding attire, we would like to invite you to wear your nice living room clothes. We want to create a familial, comfortable atmosphere during the summit, and besides, we are all at home! Imagine how you’d dress if you had a friend over and were chatting in the living room.

Thank you again for your contribution to this unprecedented event. We’re looking forward to seeing you at the Summit!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact either:

  • Benjy Uyama:
  • Billy Zharri:
  • Sancha Ogden:
  • Robert Cunningham:
  • Jessica Sattinger:

High Noon Team