Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Day 3 – Declare Your Intention

Declarations are powerful. They clarify our commitments and shape how we conduct ourselves. Let’s take some time to make one for your Sexual Integrity Journey.


Sexual Integrity Declaration

Sexual Integrity is not a destination, but a daily choice. No matter how far along we are on our porn-free journey we choose day by day to live with Sexual Integrity. The declaration below is your commitment to how you will conduct yourself throughout these ninety days.

Some are from us, what we know you’ll need to succeed.

The rest is what you want declare. Where do you want to be in three months time?

Throughout the duration of this course, I commit to being:

Honest – I will be honest with myself and those in my group. I will share my faults and where I fall short without concern for looking good. Regardless of how impossible my recovery may seem – If I am honest then I have hope.

Respectful – I will treat the members of my group with the dignity I wish to be treated. I will embrace my brothers, not criticize them. I will refrain from giving feedback unless asked. I will honor the confidentiality of my group members – What is said in the group stays in the group.

Strong – I am the owner of my recovery. I have people to support me, but I am responsible for putting in the work that I need to succeed. I will go up, and I will go down. I may relapse and feel like quitting, but I will not quit. I will stand up and try once more.

Setting Goals

Remember these points when making your personal goals: What, When, Why, How and Who. Setting up a consequence for not meeting a goal is part of your “How”. In a journal or on paper, make some goals now for each month of the 90-Day Course.

Monthly Goals:

I will view porn no more than ________ time(s) a week/month

I will masturbate no more than ________ time(s) a week/month

If I exceed my limit, then as a consequence I will:


  • I will adopt these positive habits in order to help me accomplish my goal:



(Create your own doc., use a journal or download this worksheet: Sexual Integrity Declaration)

Staying Accountable

These goals will be something you share with your group members. Each week you’ll let them know if you’re on or off track, so that they can help you be accountable for what you want to accomplish.

∼ See You Tomorrow ∼