Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

The 5 A’s of Porn – Day 20

The world wide web has exponentially expanded the reach that porn has on society. In today’s video we are going to talk about how exactly porn has progressed so quickly.


Accessibility Makes Porn Seem Normal

Especially with the advent of smartphones, we now have access to an X-rat movie theater wherever we go. Up until now it was pretty hard to watch porn. 100 years ago you would have to go to a live show, and eventually to a movie theatre.

People would see you go there. You couldn’t do it in secret. Then, porn theaters and live shows popped up in seedy parts of town. You might not want to be seen in those areas.

When VHS videos came out, the porn industry really started to blossom. People could watch in the privacy of their own homes. After that DVD and CD ROM, and finally the Internet. Since a lot of it is free, it’s more affordable than ever.

This way porn evolved from something sketchy that is done in the seedy part of town to something that is almost unavoidable.

Anonymity Makes Porn Feel Safe

This brings us to the anonymity factor. Because people can now consume porn anywhere at anytime, they can do it without anyone else knowing. Many people have adopted secret lives simply because they can. They think, “what’s the difference if nobody finds out?”

The Problem Is Porn’s Addictive

Porn gives you a massive rush of a great feeling. This feeling is provided by a flood of Dopamine, a chemical in your brain.
The rush you get from watching porn is comparable to taking drugs, because you can go from zero to High instantaneously.

The fact that it is free and everywhere makes it an easy choice for many. But by adopting the habit of watching porn for pleasure, you are actually shaping the way that you think and feel. You start to crave this high and realize that getting it any other way is actually quite difficult. So it becomes a ‘go to’.

The habit becomes a way that people find relief and release from their lives. But it becomes increasingly more difficult to feel that good doing anything else. Your brain and body easily become dependent on porn as your main outlet. The process of has begun.

Porn Marketing is Aggressive

It is said that people no longer seek out porn, because now porn seeks out people. This is because there are so many traps on the internet with the main purpose of getting people to watch porn. Internet advertising is smart.

This is how many people view porn for the first time—not because they wanted to, but because they were tricked through clickbait. This is because porn is an industry, a business. They like money.

They want life long customers, so they want people to start as young as possible, and never stop.