Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

What Influences Your Porn Use? – Day 10

Yesterday we looked at what are some of the things that contribute to your porn use. Today we’ll take a hard look at what are some of the necessary measures you need to take to be successful in your recovery.


Most people have a white-knuckle approach to quitting porn. When temptations come they do their best to willpower themselves through it.  The thing is, when we get to the point of considering looking at porn, it’s usually too late.

Most people focus only on the red circle, not masturbating or looking at porn. Yellow circle activities are things that lead us down the path to pornography. People take for granted how much power these yellow circle activities have on the temptations we experience. It’s much more effective to focus on avoiding these activities than white-knuckling our way through a desire to relapse.

Instead of getting better at struggling, let’s get better at avoiding struggle to begin with.