Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Putting It Into Action

Today’s a light lesson. Instead, spend time today setting up some of the different strategies we talked about yesterday.

Like we said yesterday, none of the methods we covered yesterday are 100% foolproof. Especially so in the beginning.

This is an opportunity to learn about yourself. Where do you need extra protection?

Maybe you discover a specific website that is unhealthy for you. Add it to your block list.

Maybe you realize you need more options than what we talked about yesterday. That was just a small dose of what’s available to you. Spend some time brainstorming/researching how else you can protect yourself. Comment below with your specific problem, maybe someone else has come up with a solution already.

Remember, Action = Awesome!

We commend you for whatever actions you’re willing to take to move forward in living a life of sexual integrity.

Spread the awesomeness. Share whatever actions you take with your AP and your group.