Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Unstoppable Manifesto

Today we’re going to write a manifesto together. This is important because you will be making a statement about who you are becoming. This is a constant reminder of what you’re striving for so that when times get tough, you can still see the light of your bright future ahead.

Copy/paste this below and fill out the blanks, then print it out to read when you like. (or download PDF here)

Let’s go!

Your Unstoppable Manifesto

My name is _______________________ and I am unstoppable. I am absolutely in charge of my destiny and porn doesn’t stand a chance against me.

  1. I believe that I matter.
  2. I believe that my sexual integrity matters.
  3. I believe in uplifting women and children.
  4. I believe that building strong marriages matters.
  5. I believe that I can create an amazing family!
  6. I believe that I will regain full control of my sexuality and my destiny.

Although I have been watching porn since the age of____________, I want to live in a world that is free from porn.

  • Although I may have misused my sexuality, I want to live in a world where love is the highest value.

Here’s what I know,

I am on the road to recreating myself. Although I have stumbled in the past, and even though I may slip along the way, I am climbing this mountain and I will get to the top.

Nothing can stop someone that knows who they are, and I am that someone.

Signed, _______________________________________