Day 9 – When Do You Seek Porn?

Yesterday we talked about habit loops. Let’s take a closer look at some of the circumstances in which you typically access porn. When, How and…

Necessary Measures – Day 11

Have you been taking a good look at some of the measures you’ll need to take in order to aid your recovery process? Maybe you’ve…

Make the Change – Day 12

Action Jackson! Let’s put your plan into place. Take Action Today! One definition of insanity is “Doing the same thing over and over again and…

Habits and Addictions – Day 13

We’ve thrown around a few different terms over the past two weeks – habit, addiction, compulsion. People use these words loosely, but they each have…

Week 2 Done! – Day 14

You’ve made it through another week! Bravo to you. Let’s take moment to chill out and reflect on how things went this week. This was…