
Today we’ll talk about what goals you have for the duration of this course. Keep in mind what we talked about yesterday regarding mindset. What…

Media Literacy

We learn something, practice, then become good at it. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. Have you ever thought about whether you’ve learned how to…

Invite Your Friends

There are a lot of considerations that can get in the way of you reaching out to someone. “I’ve never talked about porn or masturbation…

Committed To Your Accountability Partner

One more relationship that will make a powerful difference for you is a relationship with an Accountability Partner. An Accountability Partner is someone you can…

Recipe For Success

Accountability Group Support Maintaining Recovery Disciplines Focusing on the Spiritual Integrity


Before we move any further, we have to talk about mindset. Mindset is the foundation that all of your success or setbacks will be build…

Spectrum Of Addiction

How much is too much? That’s the question people often have in mind when it comes to their porn use. “Maybe I can regulate myself…

Phone Slinger

Today we want to talk about your relationship with your phone. We check our phones and computers dozens of times a day to see our…


The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Today we’ll begin taking a look at some of the various areas of your…

One Man’s Story

Have you reached out to your Accountability Partner? Not so bad, right? Today we want to share with you one man’s journey of sexual integrity.…

Committed To Your Group

The next commitment you can make to have a transformative experience is to be committed to your group. Many people cite their group as having…

Self Reflection Week 1

You’ve made it through the first week — Bravo! This is a big deal. Maybe this is your first time trying something like this; going…

Taking Action

This week has been about getting present to how much porn has impacted you, and taking stock of how committed you are to cutting porn…

Intentional Day

We do sooo many things by habit. From the order we put our clothes on to what food we eat throughout the day. The same…

Invite Your Friends

There are a lot of considerations that can get in the way of you reaching out to someone. “I’ve never talked about porn with any…

Swapping Rituals

Have you ever finished acting out and the first thought you have is, “What was I thinking!?” You feel the fog being lifted and experience…


Everything is connected, especially when it comes to integrity. To have a full and rich life, it’s important to take care of your mind, body,…

Continued Education

You will always have access to the course content, you’re free to go through that whenever you like. Separate from the online lessons we have…

What Is Porn?

You’ve maybe never thought about what defines pornography, and maybe it seems like a basic question. However, in the 1960s there was a lawsuit regarding…

Your God

Your god is what you devote your energy to. Your god is what you go to in times of distress. Have you made porn your…

ch, ch, ch, Changes

Commit to making one to three changes in various areas of your life. It can be anything from going to bed at a set time…

Triggers 101

In Week 2 we focused on some immediate ways you can reduce the temptation to access pornography. The barriers you set up for yourself last…

Phone Slinger

Today we want to talk about your relationship with your phone. We check our phones and computers dozens of times a day to see our…

Consumer vs. Creator

Life is full of balancing acts, and there may be none more vital than your ability to balance between being a consumer and a creator.

Continued Education

You will always have access to the course content, you’re free to go through that whenever you like. Separate from the online lessons we have…

Taking Action

This week has been about getting present to how much porn and masturbation has impacted you, and taking stock of how committed you are to…

Media Literacy

We learn something, practice, then become good at it. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. Have you ever thought about whether you’ve learned how to…

Pin Pricks

We’ve talked a lot about the things that tempt you to act out with pornography. There are big things that are obvious need to be…