Your Views on Sexuality – Day 16

Society doesn’t just suddenly start thinking in a certain way. The shifting of cultural views is a gradual trend that takes time. We also don’t…

Back to the Beginning – Day 18

We’ve talked about how you got to where you are today. Now let’s dig a little deeper, all the way to the beginning. What’s Your…

Garbage In/Garbage Out – Day 19

This week we’ve been looking at the ways in which media has influenced our views on sexuality. Today we are going to use media to…

The 5 A’s of Porn – Day 20

The world wide web has exponentially expanded the reach that porn has on society. In today’s video we are going to talk about how exactly…

How You Got Here – Day 21

You’ve made it through another week! Let’s take moment to chill out and reflect on how things went this week. Reflection for Week 3 This…