Become an Accountability Partner

  Ascend Accountability Partners We’ve simplified accountability to make it accessible to everyone. Anyone wanting to break free from porn needs to create a habit…

Unstoppable Manifesto

Today we’re going to write a manifesto together. This is important because you will be making a statement about who you are becoming. This is…

Weekly Reflection

In this week’s reflection, please consider all that you learned and dreamed up regarding your Unstoppable self. Did you have fun envisioning your future self?…

Rate Your Lifestyle – Day 33

Remember, everything is connected. Especially when it comes to integrity. Taking Care of You To have a full and rich life, it’s important to take…

Your Safety Net

Have you experienced a relapse during these past few months? How was it for you afterwards? Many people overly beat themselves up, get depressed/discouraged, or…

Making Changes – Day 34

Commit to making one to three changes in various areas of your life. It can be anything from going to bed at a set time…

Long View

Pulling from yesterday’s lesson, today’s challenge is to get more specific about how you’re going to win at this marathon of life. Using the categories…

Dear Porn -Day 37

Today we will be writing a breakup letter to porn. The point is that you can let it know in detail why you are sick…

Weekly Reflection

What did you learn this week about preparing for the marathon of life? Please consider what you learned and felt about making a long term…

Emotions – Day 39

Today we want you to look inside. As we mentioned, we reach out for pornography to comfort us for various reasons. What’s Your Reason? Whether…

High Noon Living

How much is a High Noon lifestyle already part of you? It’s important to look at both weak points and assets. Which healthy habits do…

Triggers – Day 41

We’ve looked at how external stimuli like Youtube and Instagram affect us as triggers. Let’s take a look at triggers from another angle. How do…

The Resistance

As you might have already experienced, some people may be a force of resistance to your progress. Often it comes from people you would never…

Weekly Reflection – Day 42

It’s that time again! Time for your weekly reflection. This week we ask that you think and reflect about what you learned about your triggers…


Today’s form is all about the ‘abundance mindset’. Those who have enough, have enough to give as well. powered by Typeform

Phone Slinger – Day 44

Would you say you have a healthy relationship with your phone? How many times a day do you think you check it? Today we want to…

Consumer VS Creator 2 – Day 48

It’s important to have a healthy amount of output to your intake. Just consuming all the time will make you lazy and feel overwhelmed. Let’s…


Wherever you’re at after these 3 months, it’s important to figure out where you want to be afterwards. Without making an intentional plan it’s easy…

Weekly Reflection – Day 49

In this week’s reflection, we wanted to ask what you feel your relationship is with internet/social media? We encouraged you to reflect on how much…

Out of Control 2 – Day 51

Today you’ll be filling out a form which will definitely challenge your ego. Just like yesterday’s video mentioned, we all have to admit at some…

Consequence Planning – Day 53

Today, we want to ask you to make a structure of consequences for your sexual integrity recovery. Since you know yourself, we recommend that you…

The Change Quiz – Day 55

Hey there. So, today we’re going to do a refresher on the stages of change we talked about yesterday. Without further ado, let’s go! powered…

Weekly Reflection – Day 56

This week we dealt with a lot of confronting stuff. First of all, congratulations on completing the week! Many people are afraid to look deeply…

Free Mind-Free Time

Today is all about envisioning your life without porn and masturbation getting in the way. What if you had this area of your life completely…

What is Your Ritual? – Day 30

Yesterday we introduced rituals and took a look at Frank. Now let’s figure out what your ritual is. LESSON Your ritual is a key part…

Swapping Out Your Rituals – Day 31

Have you ever finished acting out and the first thought you have is, “What was I thinking!?” You feel the fog being lifted and experience…

Identify Your Rituals – Day 30

Yesterday we introduced rituals and took a look at Frank. Now let’s figure out what your ritual is. Recognizing the Steps You Take  Your ritual…

Back to the Beginning – Day 18

We’ve talked about how you got to where you are today. Now let’s dig a little deeper, all the way to the beginning. What’s Your…

How You Got Here – Day 21

You’ve made it through another week! Let’s take moment to chill out and reflect on how things went this week. Reflection for Week 3 This…