Internet Audit – Day 46

Today’s action is about observation. How often are you mindlessly wandering the internet? What neighborhoods are you hanging around online? Do you go places intentionally…

Consumer VS Creator – Day 47

  Life is full of balancing acts, and there may be none more vital than your ability to balance between being a consumer and a…

Consumer VS Creator 2 – Day 48

It’s important to have a healthy amount of output to your intake. Just consuming all the time will make you lazy and feel overwhelmed. Let’s…

Weekly Reflection – Day 49

In this week’s reflection, we wanted to ask what you feel your relationship is with internet/social media? We encouraged you to reflect on how much…

Out of Control 2 – Day 51

Today you’ll be filling out a form which will definitely challenge your ego. Just like yesterday’s video mentioned, we all have to admit at some…

Rate Your Lifestyle – Day 33

Remember, everything is connected. Especially when it comes to integrity. Taking Care of You To have a full and rich life, it’s important to take…

Consequences – Day 52

  Having clear consequences in place will help you stick to your goals. It eliminates the tendency to have grey lines on what you’re trying…

Making Changes – Day 34

Commit to making one to three changes in various areas of your life. It can be anything from going to bed at a set time…

Consequence Planning – Day 53

Today, we want to ask you to make a structure of consequences for your sexual integrity recovery. Since you know yourself, we recommend that you…

Weekly Reflection – Day 35

Another week! Feel free to reflect on any part of your week. If you’re not sure what to write about then take some time to…

Stages of Change – Day 54

  In life, when you become conscious of a problem, you have the option to change that problem. This is no different with sexual integrity.…

Dear Porn -Day 37

Today we will be writing a breakup letter to porn. The point is that you can let it know in detail why you are sick…

The Change Quiz – Day 55

Hey there. So, today we’re going to do a refresher on the stages of change we talked about yesterday. Without further ado, let’s go! powered…

Your God – Day 38

  Have you made porn your god? Your god is what you devote your energy to. It’s what you go to in times of distress,when…

Weekly Reflection – Day 56

This week we dealt with a lot of confronting stuff. First of all, congratulations on completing the week! Many people are afraid to look deeply…

Emotions – Day 39

Today we want you to look inside. As we mentioned, we reach out for pornography to comfort us for various reasons. What’s Your Reason? Whether…

The Hulk Effect – Day 40

  Just like the Incredible Hulk, we also have things that trigger us to act out. Though we might not physically smash things like Bruce…

Triggers – Day 41

We’ve looked at how external stimuli like Youtube and Instagram affect us as triggers. Let’s take a look at triggers from another angle. How do…

Weekly Reflection – Day 42

It’s that time again! Time for your weekly reflection. This week we ask that you think and reflect about what you learned about your triggers…

Phone Slinger – Day 44

Would you say you have a healthy relationship with your phone? How many times a day do you think you check it? Today we want to…

Neighborhoods – Day 45

Just like the real world, the internet has good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods. Where are you hanging around? [ld_video] The Internet Map A city map…

What is Your Ritual? – Day 30

Yesterday we introduced rituals and took a look at Frank. Now let’s figure out what your ritual is. LESSON Your ritual is a key part…

Lifestyle – Day 32

The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Today we’ll begin taking a look at some of the various areas of your…

Identify Your Rituals – Day 30

Yesterday we introduced rituals and took a look at Frank. Now let’s figure out what your ritual is. Recognizing the Steps You Take  Your ritual…

Swapping Out Your Rituals – Day 31

Have you ever finished acting out and the first thought you have is, “What was I thinking!?” You feel the fog being lifted and experience…