Continuing Your Education

Register for Ascend, our next 90-day program. We’ve added content, tools and resources, so your experience will be new. We’re going to provide and Accountability…

Become a Facilitator

  For more info about facilitating a group, fill out this form:   powered by Typeform

Become an Accountability Partner

  Ascend Accountability Partners We’ve simplified accountability to make it accessible to everyone. Anyone wanting to break free from porn needs to create a habit…


  Click to become a Facilitator Click to become an Accountability Partner Click to sign up for the next course

The Power of Community

  Groups are liberating because everyone needs peers they can communicate honestly with. Your peers and associates are an essential part of your life. Meeting…

From Us to You

  Congratulations on completing the 90-day course! Download certificate

Free Mind-Free Time

Today is all about envisioning your life without porn and masturbation getting in the way. What if you had this area of your life completely…


Today’s form is all about the ‘abundance mindset’. Those who have enough, have enough to give as well. powered by Typeform

Unstoppable You

Yesterday you briefly allowed yourself the time and space to consider what it will be like when you are porn free. This is just the…

Unstoppable Manifesto

Today we’re going to write a manifesto together. This is important because you will be making a statement about who you are becoming. This is…


Wherever you’re at after these 3 months, it’s important to figure out where you want to be afterwards. Without making an intentional plan it’s easy…

Unstoppable Love

  Create an Amazing Relationship As you grow in your integrity you become unstoppable. You have the power to bring things into existence that otherwise…

Recipe for Success

  The Ingredients of Success Always have an Accountability Partner Get in or stay in a group for support and comradery Maintain your recovery disciplines –…

Spouse & Parent

Since we have been peering into the future this week, we wanted to take some time to consider where this is all headed. What Kind…

Weekly Reflection

In this week’s reflection, please consider all that you learned and dreamed up regarding your Unstoppable self. Did you have fun envisioning your future self?…

My Why

  Humans thrive when they have purpose. We actually secretly love to be challenged because it gives us a reason to innovate. In the journey toward achieving…

Managing Expectations

As we discussed yesterday, This course is a spring while life is a marathon. Let’s take some time to look into the future. For many,…

Your Safety Net

Have you experienced a relapse during these past few months? How was it for you afterwards? Many people overly beat themselves up, get depressed/discouraged, or…

Endings and Beginnings

  Tomorrow is the beginning of the last week of your 90-days. We’ll be talking about what’s next. What will you do after the 90-days…

Hitting the Wall

This is a phenomena in marathons when people start to give up. Their bodies feel like concrete blocks and you simply can’t move forward. The…

85 with Abs

To achieve anything in life takes diligence, persistence, and a whole lot of good habits. It’s not just one area of life that needs constant…

Long View

Pulling from yesterday’s lesson, today’s challenge is to get more specific about how you’re going to win at this marathon of life. Using the categories…

Weekly Reflection

What did you learn this week about preparing for the marathon of life? Please consider what you learned and felt about making a long term…

High Noon Living

How much is a High Noon lifestyle already part of you? It’s important to look at both weak points and assets. Which healthy habits do…

Swimming Against the Tide

If you haven’t noticed already, our society is extremely sexual. Though this hypersexualization doesn’t yield good results, it’s so common that people unconsciously accept and…

The Resistance

As you might have already experienced, some people may be a force of resistance to your progress. Often it comes from people you would never…