What You Both Really Want

Of course, everyone wants love; but what is love? And why do men and women experience love differently? How can we define love so we…

Especially for Women

Many women experience Post Traumatic Stress symptoms after discovering their partner’s involvement with porn. The percentage is even higher if the porn habit is not…

What Helps and What Doesn’t

Some spouses just want to know what they can do to support the recovery process. The most important thing is to work on healing your…

Support Resources

You are Worthy of being Honored and Cherished Seek the support you need by clicking on the links below or download the PDF and save…

Porn Habits, Addiction and Emotions

There are a lot of factors that contribute to porn use. The most obvious are availability, and the hypersexualized culture we live in. Your partner…

The Masturbation Debate

This is a hot topic that’s often debated in both religious and medical circles. Is it good for you or is it bad for you?…

Why He Thinks it’s Not a Big Deal

There are biological, psychological, cultural and historical reasons why men are generally more interested in porn than women, and why women are more likely to…

Communication & Rebuilding Trust

You may not be ready to trust right now and that’s okay. However, the first step to rebuilding trust is open and honest communication. If…

It’s Not Your Fault

Your partner may blame you or you may blame yourself, but really, this problem has nothing to do with you. You’ll find out in following…

Working On Past Emotional Patterns

We all have issues. Some of our issues are hidden to us, and some we’re aware of. When we come up against challenges or problems…

Start From Where You Are

Do you feel safe and hopeful? If not, these are your first two priorities. There are different types of safety and different ways to feel…

Action Steps

Back in lesson 2 we outlined some support High Noon can offer you. But in the beginning, you may not have known if you needed…

Sorting your Feelings

It’s important to recognize and understand your emotional reactions. They are valid. However, some thoughts and feelings may not be beneficial for you to hold…

Validate & Put Aside

We shouldn’t deny or ignore our feelings, but sometimes we have to put them aside temporarily to better manage the immediate situation. That can be…

Make Space for Healing

It’s important to create some space so your partner can focus on overcoming the habit, and you can focus on healing your own heart. (We’ll…

Create a Support Team

If your partner enrolls in the Ascend recovery program, they’ll have a support team. Their recovery depends on help and support from others because unhealthy…