Become an Accountability Partner

  Ascend Accountability Partners We’ve simplified accountability to make it accessible to everyone. Anyone wanting to break free from porn needs to create a habit…

The Power of Community

  Groups are liberating because everyone needs peers they can communicate honestly with. Your peers and associates are an essential part of your life. Meeting…

Neighborhoods – Day 45

Just like the real world, the internet has good neighborhoods and bad neighborhoods. Where are you hanging around? [ld_video] The Internet Map A city map…

Consumer VS Creator – Day 47

  Life is full of balancing acts, and there may be none more vital than your ability to balance between being a consumer and a…

Consequences – Day 52

  Having clear consequences in place will help you stick to your goals. It eliminates the tendency to have grey lines on what you’re trying…

Stages of Change – Day 54

  In life, when you become conscious of a problem, you have the option to change that problem. This is no different with sexual integrity.…

Unstoppable Love

  Create an Amazing Relationship As you grow in your integrity you become unstoppable. You have the power to bring things into existence that otherwise…

85 with Abs

To achieve anything in life takes diligence, persistence, and a whole lot of good habits. It’s not just one area of life that needs constant…

Swimming Against the Tide

If you haven’t noticed already, our society is extremely sexual. Though this hypersexualization doesn’t yield good results, it’s so common that people unconsciously accept and…

Recipe for Success

  The Ingredients of Success Always have an Accountability Partner Get in or stay in a group for support and comradery Maintain your recovery disciplines –…

My Why

  Humans thrive when they have purpose. We actually secretly love to be challenged because it gives us a reason to innovate. In the journey toward achieving…

Endings and Beginnings

  Tomorrow is the beginning of the last week of your 90-days. We’ll be talking about what’s next. What will you do after the 90-days…

The Hulk Effect – Day 40

  Just like the Incredible Hulk, we also have things that trigger us to act out. Though we might not physically smash things like Bruce…

Lifestyle – Day 32

The way you do anything is the way you do everything. Today we’ll begin taking a look at some of the various areas of your…

Day 4 – Show Up for Your Group

We’ve spent the past few days looking at what you want out of this program. Now we’ll take a look at the one thing that…